Woke up this morning to the Islamic prayer at 8ish. Today is Hari Raya Haji - Hari Korban - the day Muslims commemorate the sacrifice of Ibrahim on his son Ismail. Today's world news of a suicide bomber killing 40 people in Afghanistan whilst they were celebrating Eid saddens. The suicide bomber is just a teenager. In Syria, a truce of 4 days would be observed in view of Eid. Hari Raya Haji is declared as a national holiday in my country and so determined am I that nothing would make me sacrifice this much needed rest day that I have turned down two invitations.
Sacrifice - now that's a big word. Sacrifice is giving from the heart - something dear to you to the point of pain or great discomfort. Sacrifice means giving without expecting returns. In my opinion, if one do good just to earn returns, it boils down to self centredness and nothing else. PERIOD.
The bible has its own story of sacrifice - God's giving of Jesus to be the sacrifice for sin of mankind ....
S A C R I F I C E -
God so loved us
that He gave Jesus