Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My very first caricature using Microsoft Powerpoint.  Not bad at all, I would say.   In caricatures, the artist would enhance certain characteristics of his/her model.  Think of Prince Charles of England and his prominent ears.  Think of his mom, Queen Elizabeth, and that would have been her pearl necklace, her Corgies and her crown.  Sophia Loren - her glasses and well defined lips; the Pope with his robe and a big cross. 

We have somehow made a statement consciously or unconsciously with our dressing, the way we wear our hair, the way our face contort at a joke or frown in anger.  They say in this whole wide world there are six others who look like you - I wonder what about characteristics.  I am Chinese.  How would I look being a European, being an Indian, being an Eskimo if there's where my 'others' are. 

I saw the 'other' of my brother whilst in Singapore.  The difference is just a mere percentage.  I was shocked really to see him and thought to myself 'why on earth didn't my brother tell me he is in town?' And then, I looked again, and really looked and realised that it was not him at all.  In another incident, a church friend swear that her own sister looked like me.   I have yet to see the picture ......

Hopefully my all 'others' are good citizens.  Would not want to waste my life in jail for being wrongfully caught for crime that I did not commit. 

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