angry bird-won by hub in carnival game @ The Scott Garden
McDonald's 2012-fries, burger, drink and fries again
koi @ Scott Garden
Dataran Merdeka gearing up for New Year celebration
nicely designed building in the heart of the city
So much to see and hear nearing to New Year 2012. Kuala Lumpur braces itself for more. As I was going about town, my shutterbug fingers just can't stop. So much to excite the eye and the mind.
The sermon in church came, foretelling that times would be harder yet she encouraged everyone to be strong, be courageous and do not lose hope. Economy has been up and down and then up and went down again over the last few years. The yo-yo cycle drives everyone crazy. Such stressful times we live in. Compared to the days of my mum and dad's working life, I would say it was so much peaceful then.
The uncertainties of the economy keep the potential homeowners perplexed. Should one sign up for a housing loan and being bound by it for the next 20-30 years? The future is unknown. Layoffs come when one least expects it. Last year, a friend took a step of faith to purchase an apartment. At that time, the pricing was already on its way up. He decided to jump in anyway fearing that price may continue to spiral. In a span of twelve months from the time of purchase, the property value had doubled. I have seen young people in their twenties at showrooms for new housing projects. Mama and papa would put in the downpayment and bank mortgage would be undertaken by the child. Not a bad idea I would say, for this arrangement forces the child to set aside monthly loan repayment and really get him to spend wisely. For those who may not have the luxury of a rich mama or papa, home ownership is a difficult game.
Of late, there is a concern on urban poor. Rural poor would always have their land to plant crops to feed his/her family; the urban poor rely much on charity. I was tuning in to the television and according to the documentary, Chinese is low on giving in comparison with US and British citizens. After some self reflection, I admit that I am indeed very Chinese in this sense. Could it be that we do not have a government that practises dole? Every sen in our bank account is hard earned. However, if I were to put myself in the shoes of the poor, would not I be thankful for samaritans? Most of us were blessed to be born in a country where we have plenty. If we were born in a remote village in a third world country, what would become of us? Would we be a part of the 'human being trafficked' number? Would we be the next victim of famine? Would we be one of the refugees?
The poor could just be next door.
The uncertainties of the economy keep the potential homeowners perplexed. Should one sign up for a housing loan and being bound by it for the next 20-30 years? The future is unknown. Layoffs come when one least expects it. Last year, a friend took a step of faith to purchase an apartment. At that time, the pricing was already on its way up. He decided to jump in anyway fearing that price may continue to spiral. In a span of twelve months from the time of purchase, the property value had doubled. I have seen young people in their twenties at showrooms for new housing projects. Mama and papa would put in the downpayment and bank mortgage would be undertaken by the child. Not a bad idea I would say, for this arrangement forces the child to set aside monthly loan repayment and really get him to spend wisely. For those who may not have the luxury of a rich mama or papa, home ownership is a difficult game.
Of late, there is a concern on urban poor. Rural poor would always have their land to plant crops to feed his/her family; the urban poor rely much on charity. I was tuning in to the television and according to the documentary, Chinese is low on giving in comparison with US and British citizens. After some self reflection, I admit that I am indeed very Chinese in this sense. Could it be that we do not have a government that practises dole? Every sen in our bank account is hard earned. However, if I were to put myself in the shoes of the poor, would not I be thankful for samaritans? Most of us were blessed to be born in a country where we have plenty. If we were born in a remote village in a third world country, what would become of us? Would we be a part of the 'human being trafficked' number? Would we be the next victim of famine? Would we be one of the refugees?
The poor could just be next door.
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