Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day 2011

Lunch-macaroni vongole
 Indian snack-murukku

Christmas falls on Sunday this year making Monday a non working day.  Decided to go to the local market as hub and I craved for the pork porridge with fried intestines.  Sounds yucky but it's really not that bad.  The creamy texture of the porridge goes well with the crispiness of the fries.  We were late - the opposite stall that sells crullers was closed otherwise we would have a much 'yummy' time.  It was sad to note that the previous stall operator was down with stroke and currently the stall is being manned by the son.  

Whilst eating, a man came to sell Indian snacks.  Bought a pack of murukku for RM10.  A bit pricey?  Anyway, I wanted to support his efforts of going to every table trying to sell, of trying to earn a decent income.  Back home, a thought came in-have I been paying for overpriced goods?  I could be at fault for raising inflation.  Ooops!

Bought prawns at RM19/kg.  Good deal.  Will freeze it for Chinese New Year's cooking when price will definitely shoot up.  Another must buy to take home to my mama is frogs.  One stall owner told me I am way too late-frogs only available early morning and he told me to look out for two children.  Seems they will slaughter in front of you.  Wow!  It's been long since I last witnessed a killing of this kind.  Definitely a must-watch for me.

Impulsive buying of clams-i just could not resist the price tag of RM3.50/kg.  I hate going to market on  Saturdays and Sundays where the crowd is at its largest (human traffic of working folks on their off days).  As such, its been a long long time since I had fresh clams.  Coming back home, my epicurious streak ran amok.  Finally decided to cook spaghetti vongole.  But the macaroni was taking way too much space in my storage tin.  Decided to marry both of them and cook up a batch of white sauce to bind them together.


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