Monday, October 11, 2010


That's my dinner bell.  

I have been yelling 'dinner time.....!!!!' prior to getting the above beauty.Remember the P Ramlee's show whereby he rang his bell and all his servants came running up to him?  In biblical times, the lepers would ring as they walked so that the crowd will distance themselves to prevent infection.  It is an attention grabber, yeah, I definitely need it.

The first time when I rang the bell, hub asked 'is that the bell?' The second and third and fourth time, he said 'didn't hear the bell'.  Hmmm......looks like I need to bang some pots and pans and that my dear friends, do make the cook looks mad.

There was a time when I was just to leave a pizza restaurant after a heavy meal.  Right before my eyes,  before the exit door, hung the bell.  The message read 'if you enjoyed the food, ring the bell'.  Oh....what a delight.....I could not wait to lay my hands on the rope.  I did ring it and all the customers were looking at me - scowling!.  Any marriage proposals would have been a disaster that night.  Sorry guys!  You gotta blame the restaurant.

Why this fascination about the bell?  Perhaps I am reminded of the times when the ice-cream man comes around or perhaps the classes are over for the day at school.  Childhood revisited once more.......

Long live the bell!

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