Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Humble eggs

Discovered a quick recipe for breakfast.  Half boiled eggs and mix in slightly crushed wholemeal crackers.  I prefer my eggs to be three quarter boiled actually.  I pour in hot boiling water and let the eggs sit for half an hour or more.

Hub says his family would always have half boiled eggs for breakfast and they are very healthy into their old age.  Imagine what an egg can do in an impoverished environment and it doesn't cost much.  Eggs are graded in Malaysia.  For cooks, they would usually go for a AA size egg which gives more volume of air in cake baking.  Read more about eggs at http://www.eggs.ca/egg-nutrition/healthy-eating/healthy-eating-habits

The Chinese went further to make salted eggs and and century eggs.  These together makes a good tango in a bowl of porridge.   Egg represent life and the Christians would celebrate Easter with  decorated eggs - Easter eggs.  Chinese celebrate newborn baby's full moon (ie. one month after a baby is born) with eggs dyed in red served with ginger pickles.  Filipinos are famous for their 'balut' - a embryo of duck  still in shell with feathers.  I bite into the balut and told myself 'never again'.  My friend's face went pale and went on verge of vomitting.  She pulled out a little feather from her mouth.  Yucks!  Once, I was given a raw turtle egg and I being always wanting to try new things, anticipated to eat this 'delight'.  Surprisingly, the egg would never harden despite being in the boiling pot for a long  time.  How do you eat it?  Well, you make a little hole in the shell and suck. How does it taste like?  It is like eating caviar - a 'lumpy' feeling - somehow the image of little turtle babies who never did make it to sea due to a silly human like me who devoured them without a thought make me feel so  guilty ....And there was this trip to an ostrich farm and lo and behold the chance to see an ostrich egg. Huge!  And when my friend stood on it, it doesn't break at all!  Now I am just wondering about a dinosaur's egg.

Love it or hate it - for me, I am just an egg lover ...

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