Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Blue skies fading into darkness....birds hush their singing and cicadas can be heard....this evening sees me rather melancholic.  Another Mother's Day celebration.  Time flies.  MIL had lunch at an old establishment and it does bring back memories to her.  We were just wondering where is the old waiter. Spoke to one of them the other time and he was still working in his eighties.  He came by to take my order and I have not made up my mind.  I told him to sit down and I will call for him when I am ready.  Feel bad having a much older person waiting on me!

Business owners take today's opportunity to make big bucks.  A small little flower arrangement sells for RM50.00 - fresh flowers for RM100.00.  How would one celebrate Mother's Day in the rural areas?  Cooking a dinner for mom?  Or will it be just like any other day and the ways of West  is unheard of due to no media facilities?  How one then honor his/her mom?  In different cultures, things are done differently and who are we to say what one must do.  There are good practices and not so good ones in all cultures - adopt the good and bury the bad.......


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