Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Myanmarese wedding

Witnessing a Myanmarese wedding in church, I was amazed that the bride was in white bridal gown similar to the ones you and I would see at a western wedding.  As I moved around, I noticed the bed of leaves and flowers on the floor - this is where the bride and groom knelt during the wedding ceremony. Such closeness to nature.  Embracing creation, embracing the Creator!

Wedding is always sweet.  Every wedding reminds me of mine.  We have been down the road where we love someone who doesn't love us and not loving others who love us.  Yet somehow, some way, some of us get to meet our soulmate and humans being humans, we take our loved one for granted. Guilty too, yours here....

So at the next wedding, take a walk down the aisle with your spouse (after the wedding of course).  Better, dance on it.  Celebrate your marriage.

Cheers to love.

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